Suggestion - Search price filter

Discussion started by Abelian

It's inconvenient to search between 2 and 10 USD if user wants to buy models not exceeding 5 USD. It would be better if users could specify price range manually, e.g. setting price between 2 and 5 USD, or 0-4 USD (including also free models, which is given as separate option).


Posted 9 months ago

One simple question for all lovers of price dumping and 2 dollars models. How can one consider oneself a designer or an artist and at the same time not experience any contradictions regarding the fact that models are 10 times cheaper than manure, and an hour of work is 5 times cheaper than a toilet cleaner at McDonald's?

Abelian wrote
Well, but nobody starts from selling his first models at 10-20$
RealtimeModels wrote
I did at "15" and it worked out.. if you believe or not. "Helicopters". Why not? I sell even at 120 bucks on an another account. It´s about QUALITY and........... courage.
Posted 9 months ago

I guess, unfortunately these guyZ and girlZ are simply quite unfortune to sell anything at a higher price as 2 dollars. Have a nice^^ day jaguar.

Posted 5 months ago

Thank you CGTrader for adding this option. I won.

Posted 9 months ago

It would be better if prices for models started at 5$.

Abelian wrote
The best option would be setting prices as much as possible, even fractions.
Posted 9 months ago

I found a trick. You may change numbers in the link adjusting price[from] and price[to]

Posted 9 months ago

Yes, I confirm what you are writing, but generally speaking, 2 bucks modles are CRAP. That is simple that way.
You try to inrease the price, make a good description and offer a ++++++++2 buck model ^^ You know what I mean.

Posted 9 months ago

Well, also under manual price filter it's not necessary to understand low prices. It is just an idea how search can work.

Posted 9 months ago

Who is looking for models at such exact prices? Stingy muzzles from whom can’t ask for snow in winter? Maybe. But I think they are approximately 0.1-0.5% of the total number of buyers. Normal, mentally healthy people use search by tags.

Abelian wrote
Many people don't look for goods at 100$. But they will enter the shop if there is 99$ promo sign.
Abelian wrote
I am not trying to make profit because I am not a professional. But often I search some categories and notice that the search is not so optimized. For example in Turbosquid it is possible to manually choose price range.
Posted 9 months ago

generally speaking, what models at """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""2"""""""""""""""""""""""""" dollars?

Abelian wrote
Actually, some free models are better than 5$ models. Many modelers which are newbies, require just some first steps and offer better models than some experienced modelers who put 10x higher prices for the same quality. Yes, sometimes customers will choose cheaper models of the same quality.
Posted 9 months ago

The best option would be setting prices starting from 1$ and in multiples of fractions also.
also it could be helpful to search model in multiples of 1$

Abelian wrote
Of course. Let's say, somebody saw a 98$ car and remembers the price. If he enters the car name among 96-100$ which he specified by the slider, he will find many pages of results. Choosing 98$ will bring fewer results and chance to find the car quickly.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Yeah quickly, only if the seller doesn't change the price and if this price is 98$. If for example 49$ then you will have to search among 1127 items.

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